AKC/UKC CH Adrienne Zooropa Massandra Palace JSR
Whelped May 10, 2018
Pedigree | OFA | Embark | Better Bred
Sire: BISS Am Can Intl CH Adrienne Zooropa High Performance (Hot Rod)
Dam: MBISS GCHS Adrienne Bella Luna Once Upon a Time (Paris)
AKC conformation champion, has all majors and champion defeats toward his Grand
UKC conformation champion including multiple Group 1 placements
LGRA Junior Straight Racer
Award of Merit x2 - Puget Sound Borzoi Club Specialty 2022
#1 UKC Borzoi 2022
#3 UKC Borzoi 2021
Award of Merit - Puget Sound Borzoi Club Specialty 2021
Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes and Reserve Winners Dog - Puget Sound Borzoi Club Speciality 2019
2nd in Futurity (12-15 mo. class), 2nd in Sweeps (12-15 mo. class), and 4th in Regular Classes (12-18 mo. class) - Borzoi Club of America National Specialty 2019
Proven sire, natural breeder. CHIC #144598. DM clear, OFA eyes, echo, and thyroid normal. UC Davis genetic diversity tested & in Better Bred. Most recent echo in 2021. Holter monitored on 6/16/2022 with a result of 1 single VPC. Refined-type male with strong, bladed bone and good muscle. Balanced moderate angulation. He is not what many would call “substantial” and could use a deeper chest. 31.5” at the shoulder, 90 lbs. Full dentition and scissors bite. Had base-narrow lower canines as a puppy and has produced it. High-set ears tending toward large and don’t always rose but do full-prick when alert. Impeccable sidegait and clean down & back. He was slow to mature but is now 1/3 of the way to his AKC Grand Championship and has defeated top specials during his sporadic show career.
Affectionate, playful, and goofy, Shaniko is nevertheless a very weird dog. His antics will keep you guessing, laughing, and perhaps wondering “why??”, but it’s best if you just roll with it. He does have a serious streak and expects to be shown respect in order to give it. He is the clearest communicator of any animal I have known and wicked smart. He combines typical borzoi “what’s in it for me?” attitude with a deep ability to bond. He’s definitely an “intermediate” on the “how difficult is this dog/breed scale”, but once you learn to speak his language, he’s lovely to live with and an amazing partner in the ring or on the field. He has moderate-to-low prey drive depending on the species, and is respectful of indoor cats and small dogs. Keen on the lure but prefers straight racing. He absolutely passed along his temperament and we see bits of it in all of his puppies, so we think our lines will continue with goofy weirdos with that “horse-like” stubbornness and smarts for quite a while!
The Shallettes: Shaniko x Allee, whelped 10/12/2019. 3 males, 8 females. View litter page for more details.
We do not plan to breed Shaniko again. I will entertain stud service requests, however, he is not openly standing at stud.
2022 Puget Sound Borzoi Club Specialty Award of Merit under judge Prudence Hlatky. 4 years old.
Cascadia Sighthound Association LGRA. 3 years old. Photo by Crosswind Silkens.
2022 PSBC candid. 4 years old. Photo by Olyhillary.
2022 PSBC candids. 4 years old. Photo by Olyhillary.

2022 PSBC candids. 4 years old. Photo by Olyhillary.
Cascadia Sighthound Association LGRA. 3 years old. Photo by Crosswind Silkens.

4 years old. Photo by Creekwalker Photography.

2021 Puget Sound Borzoi Club Specialty Award of Merit under judge Edith Tichenor Hanson. 3 years old.
Cascadia Sighthound Association LGRA. 3 years old. Photo by Crosswind Silkens.

Chintimini Kennel Club AKC Coursing - QC run. 4 years old. Photo by Creekwalker Photography.

3 years old. Photo by SG Photography.

Chintimini Kennel Club AKC Coursing - QC run. 4 years old. Photo by Creekwalker Photography.

2.5 years old. Photo by Olyhillary.

Having fun at the Oregon Coast. 2 years old.

2.5 years old. Photo by Olyhillary.

His first Group 1 in UKC. 3 years old.

3 years old. Photo by SG Photography.

3 years old. Photo by SG Photography.

2.5 years old. Photo by Olyhillary.

3 years old.

Enjoying rare Portland snow. 3 years old.

Having fun at the Oregon Coast. 2 years old.

Reserve Winners Dog to the 5pt Major at the 2019 PSBC Specialty under borzoi breeder judge Jane Bishop.

Having fun at the Oregon Coast. 1.5 years old.

On his way to 2nd in Futurity (12-15 mo. class) at the 2019 BCOA National Specialty. Photo by Ashley Cirimelli.

Placing 2nd in Futurity (12-15 mo. class) at the 2019 BCOA National Specialty. Photo by Ashley Cirimelli.

On his way to 2nd in Sweeps (12-15 mo. class) at the 2019 BCOA National Specialty. Photo by Ashley Cirimelli.

2nd in Sweeps at the 2019 BCOA National Specialty under borzoi breeder judge Kristina Terra.

On his way to 4th (12-18 mo. class) at the 2019 BCOA National Specialty. Photo by Ashley Cirimelli.

On his way to 4th (12-18 mo. class) at the 2019 BCOA National Specialty. Photo by Ashley Cirimelli.

Having fun in the Sandy River. 1.5 years old.

Having fun at the Oregon Coast. 8 months old.

His first Best of Winners at 10 months old under judge Sidney Marx.

A promising youngster - 16 weeks old.

14 weeks

12 weeks

12 weeks

8 weeks

8 weeks

7 weeks

4.5 weeks

Having fun at the Oregon Coast. 8 months old.

Enjoy rare Portland snow. 3 years old.

Having fun at the Oregon Coast. 2 years old.

2nd Birthday

Profile. 2 years old.

Finishing his AKC championship at 17 months old.

Best of Opposite Sex in Sweeps at the 2019 Puget Sound Borzoi Club Specialty under borzoi breeder judge Janet Adams. 15 months old.

Vancouver Kennel Club Day 1, 2023. Shaniko went Best Opposite & Owner-handled Best of Breed for a 3 pt GCH major under judge Raymond Yurick. His daughter, Fennel, won the day going regular Best of Breed for a 4 pt major. We couldn't pass up the opportunity for a daddy-daughter win photo!

Vancouver Kennel Club Day 2, 2023. Shaniko again went Best Opposite & Owner-handled Best of Breed for a 3 pt GCH major under judge Janet Lobb.

Having fun at the Oregon Coast (with kelp!). 2 years old.

2022 PSBC candids. 4 years old. Photo by Olyhillary.